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Av - A - 23 januari 2013 15:44

Sasha Pieterse som spelar Alison Dilaurentis.

Här har ni några fina bilder på Sasha Pieterse, och hon är 16 år. Jag vet att hon är yngre än dom andra skådespelarna men jag förväntade mig inte det. Dessutom ser alla ut som de är unga och alla är jättevackra, beautiful girls! ♥


Av - A - 21 januari 2013 14:58

Hej bloggen!

Jag tänkte berätta lite om mig själv, men jag har aldrig haft en blogg förut så jag skulle vilja vara lite anonym och kalla mig för A.

Jag skriver om TV-serien Pretty Little Liars som handlar om Aria, Spencer, Emily och Hanna var ett gäng tjejer som fördes samman av den väldigt sociala Alison. Allt är bra tills Alison mystiskt försvinner. De fyra tjejerna tappar kontakten i och med Alisons försvinnande tills ett år senare när Alisons kropp hittas nedgrävd innanför grindarna i hennes eget hem. Tjejerna tar upp kontakten för att sörja med varandra och ens innan de hunnit gå på Alisons begravning får de skrämmande meddelanden från en okänd person som kallar sig för 'A' som hotar att avslöja deras mörkaste, djupaste hemligheter. De fyra flickorna gör allt för att försöka lista ut 'A' sanna identitet som för dem närmare varandra.

Bara så ni vet, rubrikerna kommer vara ett av A´s meddelanden men om det kommer vara lite skvaller-inlägg eller bara nyheter så kommer det vara vanliga rubriker. Om ni vill så kan ni kommentera lite och sånt där och läsa bloggen såklart. Just nu så håller jag på och se på säsong 3 som jämt nyss har släppt. Den finns inte på än sålänge, men man kan kolla på:

Hoppas ni kommer följa, läsa och kommentera. Jag ska göra mitt bästa för att uppdatera så ofta jag kan! Hoppas vi ses snart igen!

- A


Av - A - 20 januari 2013 22:22

Aria Montgomery


  • Byron Montgomery (Chad Lowe) (Season 1 - present) is Aria's father and a history professor at Hollis College. He asked Aria to keep his affair with a student, Meredith, a secret after Aria witnessed them kissing. Regretting the affair and wanting them to be a family again, Byron moves the family to Iceland for a year as a sabbatical. The relationship between Byron and Ella becomes strained after A sends her a letter revealing Byron's affair. After spending some time apart, Ella and Byron slowly begin to rebuild their relationship. When Mike becomes depressed, Byron reveals that his brother Scott, who committed suicide, also suffered from mental illness; Byron feels guilty for not doing anything to help his brother. Byron finds out that Ezra is involved in a relationship with Aria after they tell him and Ella and is furious about it. In an effort to get Ezra away from Aria, Byron recommends him for a job in New Orleans. He also plots to send Aria to an all girls boarding school in Vermont. When Aria threatens to reveal his affair to his boss, however, he backs off from sending her to boarding school but gets Ezra fired from Hollis. In season 3, Byron and Ella have divorced and Ella has moved out of the house. Byron starts seeing Meredith again. He informs Aria that Meredith got a job at the same high school that Aria attends and Ella teaches. In the Halloween episode, it is revealed by Garrett that Byron may have seen Alison on the night she died. Alison told him,"you know what I'm capable of!"
  • Ella Montgomery (Holly Marie Combs) (Season 1 - present) is Aria's mother, as well as a teacher at Rosewood High. Ella believes in treating her children as friends, not as property. She has mentioned that she doesn't want to push into Aria's private life, and she thinks that Aria should be allowed to keep secrets. Ella was unaware of her husband's affair with a student until A sent her a letter. After asking Byron to move out, and his refusal, she left the home. Eventually, Aria found out her parents were secretly getting back together, and Ella eventually decides to move back in. When her son, Mike, is depressed, she doesn't feel he needs medication, and remains somewhat in denial about his illness. She finally receives her wake-up call when he attacks her in his bedroom. When Ella found out Aria was dating Ezra, she was angry, but she believed Aria when she said she had broken it off, and tried to win her back her freedom, which Byron didn't think she deserved. Later, she finds out that Aria and Ezra are still together, and decides she is going to try to understand their relationship. Ella is aware of A, and tries to send Aria to Boarding School to get away. Aria is furious, and blackmails her mother into not going through with it. Ella tearfully tells Aria how ashamed she is, and how she doesn't know how to save their relationship. In season 3, she and Byron have divorced and Ella tries to move on with her life not knowing how. Aria creates a profile for her on a dating website under the nickname "Hot Mamma." Ella is furious at Aria but later she likes the idea and starts dating again. She befriends and starts dating the owner of the brew who is much younger than her.
  • Mike Montgomery (Cody Christian) (Seasons 1-TBA) is Aria's younger brother. A lacrosse player, he suffers from a mental illness, which has causes him to burst into fits of anger and later leads him to break into people's houses for fun, before he begins to shut down emotionally and withdraw completely from his family. He blames Aria for the trouble between their parents. Mike accidentally discovered that Jenna and Garrett knew each other, which he told Aria about. Mike reveals to Aria that the only reason he punched Ezra was because after Ezra and Aria announced they are a couple, he feared what Byron would have done to hurt Ezra judging by the look on his face and thought, "Better I do it, than him."

[edit] Friends

  • Holden Strauss (Shane Coffey) (Season 2-3) is a childhood friend of Aria's who returns with his family from a year abroad in Portugal in the middle of Season 2. He asks Aria out on a date, and discovers that she only agreed so she could get out of the house unsupervised and try to meet Ezra. Instead of becoming upset, he suggest that they continue the cover, though he remains secretive about what he does during their fake dates. We later find out that his secret is more serious than it seemed at first when he accidentally reveals a very large bruise on his stomach, but he tells Aria not to worry about it. He eventually tells her that he is doing Tang soo do, a Korean martial art, and that his parents forbid him to keep training, that is why he needs a cover. The situation turns out to be more complicated, though, when Ella tells Aria that Holden has a heart condition that could kill him any time. Aria goes to watch one of Holden's fights and she sees how much he loves to fight. In the sixth episode in season 3, he attends the same church party as Hanna. But when Emily comes, he runs into her and sparks a conversation. When he grabs a cupcake his wrist is exposed reveling a tattoo from that night and Noel Kahn's party.

[edit] Relationships

  • Ezra Fitz (Ezra Fitzgerald) (Ian Harding) (Season 1 - present) is a former English teacher at Rosewood High School and later teaches at Hollis. He became romantically involved with Aria after the two met at a bar and instantly bonded. When he discovered that Aria was his student, he attempted to break things off, but found himself unable to do so. He broke up with Aria for a little while in order to take time to think about their relationship. He quit his teaching position at Rosewood just before Noel threatened to expose Aria and Ezra's relationship. Ezra later explains to Aria that he was engaged to a girl named Jackie when he was in college, but that she broke it off; Jackie later returns to Rosewood after getting a teaching position at Hollis. Although Ezra loves Aria, he seems to still have some lingering feelings for Jackie, and the two remain close. His relationship with Aria is often strained by the fact that they have to hide that they are together. Aria, who apparently was a virgin, was surprised dreaming with having relations with Ezra and then confirmed that she was not surprising Ezra with a very sexy dinner and then closing the door of the office. He confesses to Ella that he loves Aria (though she misunderstands and believes he is talking about Spencer) when he comes to comfort Aria after her arrest. In "Through Many Danger, Toils, and Snares" we find out that Aria broke up with Ezra because of Jackie threatening to expose their relationship but they later get back together after Aria explains to Ezra that Jackie was the reason why she broke up with him. Ezra and Aria later tell Byron and Ella that they are a couple which leads him to getting punched by Mike (though it's told he only did it fearing what Bryon what would have done instead). Ezra later tells Jackie, who comes into his office trying to convince him it'll never work out for him and Aria due to age difference and the fact she's still a teenager, to get out of his office, saying he will not let her do anything to harm or hurt Aria ever again and that he wants nothing more to do with Jackie herself. Aria continues to attempt to convince her parents to allow her to date Ezra but in the meantime they try to set her up with someone else. When Aria calls Ezra, he tells her not to call him again. The two later rekindle their relationship when Aria leaves him a voice mail telling Ezra that, if he doesn't meet up with her, their relationship is over. Ezra turns up at the last minute after a student tells him to 'be bold' and the two kiss in the rain. Aria decides not to tell her friends that the two are back together, hoping that, by keeping it from them, she can also keep it from 'A'. They later have sex in his apartment after Ezra finds out that he has been fired from Hollis. In season 3, Aria and Ezra celebrate their one-year anniversary. Their relationship seems to be going smoothly until Ezra's younger brother Wesley "Wes" drops by unexpectedly. Bumps are soon formed in their relationship when Aria learns of Ezra getting his high school girlfriend Maggie pregnant and his mother paying her to disappear from his life, even though he wanted to do the right thing. Aria tracks Maggie down and discovers that she has kept the baby, who is now a healthy 7 year old boy, but Ezra doesn't know.
  • Noel Kahn (Brant Daugherty) (Season 1- present ) is a popular jock and friends with Sean and Mike. He has feelings for Aria and briefly dates her, ending things when he discovers that Aria is seeing Ezra. Noel attempts to blackmail Ezra with this information, but ends up getting framed by A (for apparently stealing mid-term exams). After a suspension, he returns to school and becomes somewhat romantically involved with Mona, but eventually breaks up with her and starts dating Jenna.On the security tape Noel sent Spencer it shows that Jenna was dating Noel.

[edit] Other

  • Meredith Sorenson (Amanda Schull) (Season 1 - present) is a former student at Hollis who Byron had an affair with. She ignores Aria's pleas for her to stay away from Byron and in an effort to get close to Byron again, attempts to befriend Ella, who was unaware of the affair. In the beginning of season 3, "A" forces Aria to reveal a past secret that Aria and Alison trashed Byron's office and framed Meredith for the crime when Aria believes an earring she found proves that Byron and Meredith were still together after Aria found out about the affair. After the incident Byron did end all ties with Meredith because he felt threatened. But when "A" forces Aria to confess it was her, it gives now divorced Byron and Meredith another chance at a relationship. When Aria is forced to confess and apologize to Meredith, she returns the earring "A" gave her, which was taken from Alison's grave only to find out the earring is not hers. Meredith became a teacher at Rosewwod High. She later was burnt in a fire and lead to believe Aria did it (She's Better Now).
  • Jackie Molina (Paloma Guzman) (Seasons 1-2) is Ezra's ex-fiancée. After getting a teaching job at Hollis, she makes hints at wanting to reconcile her relationship with Ezra. She discovers that Aria and Ezra are in a relationship, and uses this as leverage when Aria attempts to force her out of Ezra's life by threatening to expose a paper that Jackie plagiarized. Jackie forces Aria to break up with Ezra but the two later get back together and reveal their relationship to her parents when Ezra overhears Jackie threatening Aria. Ezra later tells Jackie to get out of his office when she comes by his office and to stay away from Aria after Jackie makes a comment about his relationship with Aria being "a terrible mistake," and that he wants nothing to do with Jackie again.
  • Wesley Fitzgerald (Gregg Sulkin) (Season 3 - present) is Ezra's younger brother. Aria first meets him outside of Ezra's apartment in the Season 3 episode "The Kahn Game", after Wesley and Ezra get into a heated argument. Later, Aria calls Ezra for a ride home from Noel's cabin party, and Wesley answers because Ezra left his phone at the apartment with Wesley. He offers to pick Aria up, and on the way home, Wesley reveals to Aria that Ezra had accidentally impregnated a girl named Maggie while in high school, assuming that Ezra had already told Aria this. Wesley goes on to say that Ezra's mother had paid Maggie to stay away from Ezra, and Ezra had never stayed in touch with her. Later, on Ezra's birthday, Aria reveals to Wesley that she had gone to Wilmington to locate Maggie, and that she discovered that Ezra has a 7-year-old son named Malcolm. They plan to break the news to Ezra together, but are disheartened when they learn that Maggie lied to Ezra about the situation.
  • Dianne Fitzgerald (Mary Page Keller) (Season 3 - present) is Ezra's wealthy mother. She disapproves of Aria's relationship with Ezra, and consequently blackmails her to break up with him. This infuriates Aria, who refuses the offer. It is later revealed that Dianne had paid Maggie a large sum of money to disappear out of Ezra's life.
  • Maggie (Larisa Oleynik) (Season 3- present) is Ezra's ex, who was impregnated by Ezra after High School. She was paid a large sum of money to disappear from Ezra's life and to take care of his unborn child, who he doesn't know about. In the eleventh episode, Aria pays her a visit at her school, where she reveals that she has a son named Malcom. In the summer finale, she pays Ezra a visit leaving Aria out. She will be the next obstacle in Ezra and Aria's relationship, but she might be the toughest yet.

Spencer Hastings


  • Melissa Hastings Thomas (Torrey DeVitto) (Season 1 - present) is Spencer's older sister, who is engaged to Wren at the start of the series, but later returns to Ian. A perfectionist and the favored daughter, she was Spencer's rival for most of their lives. Their competition lead to Spencer kissing both Ian and Wren, which culminated in Melissa breaking off her engagement with Wren. After the breakup, Melissa rekindled her relationship with Ian and the two eloped, after which Melissa confided in Spencer that she just wanted the fighting between them to stop. Shortly after marrying Ian, Melissa becomes pregnant, which again causes a rift between her and Spencer, who suspects Melissa is covering for Ian. When Ian goes missing, Melissa refuses to believe Spencer's claims that he is dead, thinking that she is receiving text messages from Ian, who is in hiding. After discovering Ian's body, however, Melissa becomes depressed and apologizes to Spencer for choosing Ian over her. When Melissa finds Ian's phone in Spencer's bag, (although it was A who put the phone in there), she believes it was Spencer sending the texts to Melissa's phone and vows she will never, ever forgive Spencer for this. Melissa discovers that Jason is their half-brother and says that she can't be around their parents because they lied to her and Spencer. She still loiters around the house however, and Spencer and her friends begin to suspect that Melissa knows more about "A" and Ali's disappearance than she is letting on. They find a video taken inside Alison's room the night she disappeared, and Melissa is shown throwing open the door and yelling "Where is she?!" The girls also find out that Melissa was sending Ali threatening text messages, and had worked at a law firm that Ali had suspected of assisting "A" in messing with her life. Spencer and Melissa's dad's gun goes missing, and Spencer fears Melissa took it. Although Melissa didn't take the gun, her parents still feared that she killed Allison through jealousy. So her mom hired a private investigator to watch her. Toward the end of the second season, Melissa makes some odd statements that imply she knows some secrets about Alison and/or the N.A.T club. Melissa lost her baby after Ian died
  • Peter Hastings (Nolan North) (Season 1 - present) is Spencer and Melissa's father. A lawyer who places a great emphasis on winning, he destroys evidence that he fears will implicate Spencer in Alison's murder. Although initially he disapproves of Spencer and Toby dating, he warms to Toby after Toby begins to work for him. Peter strongly dislikes DiLaurentises, who has claims are "always crossing lines." In Season 2, Episode 19, it is revealed that Peter did have an affair with Jessica DiLaurentis, he is Jason's father and that Jason, Spencer and Melissa are all half-siblings. We also discover that he paid a private investigator to look into Ali's disappearance, as he was afraid that Melissa had something to do with it, since he already found out Melissa had been sending Ali threatening text messages.
  • Veronica Hastings (Lesley Fera) (Season 1 - present) is Spencer's and Melissa's mother. She had a breast cancer scare that she keeps a secret from her family, not wanting to worry them. A lawyer, she frequently helps the girls out with legal situations. Although she dislikes Toby and his relationship with Spencer, she eventually becomes more tolerant of it.
  • Jason DiLaurentis* (briefly Parker Bagley, later Drew Van Acker) (Season 1 - present) is Alison's older brother, who is later revealed to also be Spencer's half-brother as her Dad had an affair with his mom, although this was only recently exposed. Growing up Jason was a troubled teen who resorted to drugs. He was friends with the N.A.T Club. He has romantic feelings for Aria. Aria has the same feelings for Jason, while she is in a relationship with Ezra. They share a kiss in season 2, where Jason confesses his feelings. Aria denies because she is dating Ezra. After that moment the two have had few scenes which show the feelings between the two of them are still alive. In Season 3 Jason continues to search for Alison as he has reason to believe she is still alive.

[edit] Relationships

  • Ian Thomas (Ryan Merriman) (Seasons 1-2) is Melissa's late husband. He attended high school with Jason and Garrett and was part of their "N.A.T." club (the initials of a Latin phrase meaning "We See All"). Ian dated Melissa prior to Alison's death, although he was secretly carrying on an affair with Alison, he also flirted and tried it on with Spencer, who had a crush on him. He returned to Rosewood shortly after Melissa broke off her engagement with Wren; after a small courtship, the two eloped and took up residency in the Hastings' renovated barn while their apartment in Philadelphia was being remodeled. He had an uneasy relationship with Spencer, who became suspicious of him and believed he was A/Alison's killer. It is later revealed that Ian liked to secretly videotape the girls when they were getting undressed. When Spencer confronts Ian about Alison's death, he claims he only pushed her, not intended for her to hit her head. After this he approaches Spencer and tries to kill her, stating that he's doing it for Melissa's benefit, but is killed by A, who surprisingly intervenes. His body goes missing and he is presumed to be in hiding, however, his body is eventually discovered, his death staged to look like a suicide; and leaving Melissa with his unborn child.
  • Wren Kingston (Julian Morris) (Season 1 - present) was a medical student who was engaged to Melissa. He was attracted to Spencer and later kissed her, which resulted in Melissa calling off their engagement. However, he later returns to Rosewood to help Melissa out with Ian, who, at the time, they believe to still be alive. He obtains a job at the hospital in Rosewood, telling Spencer he came back for her, he then asks her if she wants to go out for a coffee but she says 'I have a boyfriend now',they leave it at that and go. He then comforts Spencer after her breakup with Toby, leaving her confused. After Mona is revealed to be A, Wren develops a friendship with Hanna, since he works at the mental institution and Hanna goes to visit Mona there on a regular basis. Eventually, the board at the mental threatens to transfer Mona to New York, and Wren helps Hanna testify to the board and get her to not be transferred. Hanna accidentally kisses Wren from happiness when she finds out Mona will not be transferred based on Hanna's testimony. Wren tends to get an unrequited crush on Hanna after the kiss and tries to woo her at times, but gets rejected. Most likely because he's Spencer's ex and she's secretly dating Caleb again.
  • Alex Santiago (Diego Boneta) (Season 1) is an employee of Rosewood's exclusive country club. He meets Spencer after observing her practicing serves, and the two quickly enter into a relationship. Their relationship becomes strained after Melissa plants doubts about Spencer's feelings for him in Alex's mind, leading Alex to think Spencer is slumming it with him. Veronica is initially uncomfortable around Alex, which Spencer thinks is because of Alex being of a lower economic class, however, Alex explains that he comforted Veronica after her cancer scare. Alex breaks up with Spencer for good after A makes him believe Spencer applied for him to go to Europe for a tennis camp after he asked her explicitly not to.
  • Toby Cavanaugh (Keegan Allen) (Season 1 - present) is Jenna's stepbrother, who was blackmailed into sleeping with Jenna and taking the blame for the girls accidentally blinding Jenna. After he returns to Rosewood, he strikes up a tentative friendship with Emily after saving her from Ben. Spencer disapproves of the friendship, believing that Toby is Alison's murderer. Emily goes to Homecoming with Toby and later confesses to him that she is a lesbian; her openness makes Toby try to confess to her about having a thing with Jenna, which Emily misunderstands, leading to a physical confrontation. Toby drops her off at the hospital before running away; he is later caught by the police, who have been tipped off by Jenna. After witnessing Toby being taunted in the street, Spencer begins to sympathize with him, and they bond, when they realize they are both being framed for Alison's murder. Despite Spencer's parents distrust and dislike of Toby, they begin to date. After A threatens Spencer with Toby's safety, she decides to break up with him, not wanting him to get hurt. He then falls, because of one of A's tricks and ends up in hospital. He later learns that Wren kissed Spencer and had a one day fling with her. Back in the hospital he tells Wren that his left arm may be broken but his right arm isn't(meaning he would beat him up if he tried anything like it again.) When he comes out he begins to act cold towards her, no longer caring about her. In the season 2 finale he admits that pretending not to love her was the hardest thing he has ever done, she then approaches him and gets ready to slap him but before she has a chance he pulls her close to him and kisses her. In Season 3, Spencer and Toby seem to have moved past all the problems that plagued their relationship in the past, seeming happier and more in love than they ever were. In the Season 3 summer finale, Toby and Spencer take it to the next level. Toby is revealed to be a member of the "A" team, in which I. Marlene King (the showrunner), said that he was "not an undercover agent".

Hanna Marin


  • Ashley Marin (Laura Leighton) (Season 1 - present) is Hanna's mother, who works at a bank in Rosewood. She is angered by Hanna's shoplifting, so she has an affair with Detective Darren in order to keep Hanna from being charged. After some financial hardship caused by the divorce, Ashley falls behind on her bills and resorts to stealing money from the safety deposit box of a client; the money is later stolen (by A, unbeknownst to Ashley) and Hanna is forced to slowly earn it back by hurting Lucas. Although she is divorced from Tom, Hanna's father, Ashley still has lingering feelings for him; when he comes for a visit, she ends up sleeping with him. However, she ends the affair when she realizes that Tom will never change. After Emily's parents move to Texas, Ashley invites Emily to come live with her and Hanna. She initially disapproves when Hanna starts dating Caleb, but eventually warms up to him even saying how she sees "herself" in him.
  • Tom Marin (Roark Critchlow) (Season 1-2) is Hanna's father. He divorced Hanna's mother, Ashley, after having an affair with Isabel, his current wife. When he comes to Rosewood to visit Hanna, he begins to grow close to Ashley once more, something which is encouraged by Hanna. Tom eventually sleeps with Ashley, but she breaks things off with him when she realizes that he will never change. His wedding to Isabel is interrupted by Hanna, who reveals his affair with Ashley to Isabel. Despite Hanna ruining Tom's wedding to Isabel, Ashley reveals to Hanna that Tom still married her. Tom later reveals that he will be moving back to Rosewood with Isabel and Kate so he can be closer to Hanna.
  • Isabel Marin (née Randall) (Heather Mazur) (Seasons 1-2) is Tom's new wife and Hanna's stepmother. At Tom and Isabel's wedding, "A" makes Hanna reveal that Tom had slept with Ashley while he was engaged to Isabel. Despite Hanna telling Isabel about Tom's affair with Ashley, Isabel still marries him. Until recently, Isabel seemed entirely unaware of her daughter Kate's nature.
  • Kate Randall (Natalie Floyd, later Natalie Hall) (Seasons 1-2) is Isabel's daughter and Hanna's stepsister. Although Hanna is friendly to Kate at first, she begins to resent her. Kate is shown to possess a malicious streak, with a willingness to use manipulation for her own purposes. Hanna had said some unkind things about Kate, but apologizes to her. Kate pretends to accept the apology, but makes comparisons of how to break in horses and how she would break in Hanna. She humiliates Hanna after getting her drunk at their parents' rehearsal dinner. Even though Hanna stopped Isabel's wedding to her father, Kate still becomes Hanna's stepsister when their parents get married at the courthouse. Tom later moves back to Rosewood with Isabel, and Kate is enrolled at Rosewood High. It appears that Kate actually wants to be friends with Hanna at school, but she was really trying to look like an innocent victim, even sending the school a naked photo of herself and framing Hanna for it. But after finding out the truth, Hanna neutralizes Kate for a time.
  • Regina Marin (Betty Buckley) (Season 2-3) is Hanna's grandmother. She is quite eccentric but very smart. Regina is very fond of her granddaughter and Ashley, and is very ambiguous about Tom's new family. Regina sees right through Kate and her sneaky ways.

[edit] Friends

Janel Parrish plays Mona Vanderwaal.
  • Mona Vanderwaal[2] (Janel Parrish) (Season 1 - present) is a former unpopular girl at Rosewood who longed to be accepted into Alison's group and was continuously mocked by Alison. After Alison's disappearance, Mona befriended Hanna and they underwent an "extreme makeover" together; as a result, they both became popular students. When "A" appears, Mona becomes jealous of Hanna rekindling her friendships with the other Liars. She dislikes Caleb and makes attempts to break Hanna and Caleb up, though to no avail. She becomes romantically involved with Noel, much to Hanna's disapproval, but is later dumped by him for Jenna. When "A" begins sending Mona threatening notes, she grows closer to the Liars. In the second season finale, she is in fact revealed to actually be "A" when she and Spencer travel to the Lost Woods Resort to uncover "A"'s lair. She is committed to a mental institution, Radley, after being diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder. It is subsequently revealed that Mona had been taking orders from an unknown person. Although at Radley, Mona frequently cause trouble for the Liars and their loved ones, even going so far as to attempt to frame Paige for Maya's murder. It has been revealed that Mona has figured out a way to come and go from Radley as she pleases and that she gives orders to Toby Cavanaugh, an "A" accomplice.
  • Lucas Gottesman (Brendan Robinson) (Season 1 - present) is an unpopular student at Rosewood, who harbors an unrequited crush on Hanna, who he develops a friendship with. Having been frequently tormented by Alison, he often expresses his happiness at her death, going so far as to destroy Alison's memorial, believing her cruelty shouldn't have been forgiven posthumously. Although initially angered by Hanna's rejection of his romantic feelings, he eventually accepts it and even befriends Caleb. He seeks Hanna out for dating advice after he becomes involved with a girl named Danielle, however, it is unclear if any relationship developed between them. Soon afterward, due to a series of misunderstandings and coincidences, the Liars suspect Lucas may be A; it is later revealed that Lucas had gambled away thousands of dollars of Caleb's savings. Following this, his friendship with Hanna and Caleb is severely strained, and Lucas grew increasingly more troubled. It was revealed in the third season that he had been visiting Mona at Radley, for yet unknown reasons.

[edit] Relationships

  • Sean Ackard (Chuck Hittinger) (Season 1) is Hanna's boyfriend prior to the beginning of the series. Having crushed on Sean since before Alison's disappearance, motivated by insecurities about her weight, Hanna puts a lot of pressure on their relationship. When Sean refuses to have sex with Hanna, she becomes upset and wrecks his car, though Sean understands and forgives her. However, the mystery surrounding A and Alison's death begin to take a toll on their relationship and that, combined with Sean's treatment of Lucas as well as his attraction to Aria, leads to their breakup. Afterwards, Sean seeks out Emily's help in pursuing Paige, unaware that Paige is a lesbian.
  • Caleb Rivers (Tyler Blackburn) (Season 1 - present) is a foster child and Rosewood's resident "bad boy" who Hanna seeks out for help in hacking Emily's phone so that she can call Maya, her girlfriend at the time. Though initially annoyed and frustrated by Caleb, she becomes more sympathetic towards him when she discovers his poor home life. The two eventually enter into a relationship which results in Hanna losing her virginity to Caleb. When she discovers that Caleb originally tried to get close to her while working for Jenna, she dumps him, feeling betrayed. He is brought back to Rosewood by Lucas, who wants Hanna and Caleb to make amends and reunite. After Caleb is contacted by his birth mother, he leaves Hanna to stay in California for a while. He returns in time for Tom's marriage to Isabel, accompanying Hanna to the wedding. Caleb then comes back after being in California and helps Hanna and her friends hack A's phone without telling him who's phone it belongs to, but it backfires when "A" shuts the phone down. His surprise birthday party later gets ruined because Lucas has something to tell Hanna but Hanna takes it the wrong way and they both end up falling out the boat. The girls (excluding Hanna) let Caleb continue to hack "A"´s phone and so that he does it they tell him about "A" but just the important parts that include defending Hanna. The girls try to hide the truth from Hanna but when she finds out she is angry at them. They however talk and become friends again. Meanwhile, Caleb becomes obsessed with finding out who "A" is, which caused "A" to hack into Caleb's computer and planted secure school files, which landed him in trouble with the police, However Hanna saves him by deleting the files. Caleb is the first person other than the liars to help figure out who "A" is. Earlier Lucas has some problems and starts to be a bad boy at school when he is given a letter to give to his parents he drops it into a bin and sets it on fire, Hanna starts to worry about Lucas so she asks Caleb to talk to him. Later Caleb confronts Lucas and asks him why he nearly set fire to his girlfriend and why is he acting so weird, Lucas says sorry and walks off leaving Caleb wondering. In the third season, Hanna has trouble telling Caleb about what's going on in her life, causing him to breakup with her. a couple episodes later it is revealed that they are back together in secret, unable to tell anyone. Caleb promises to help Hanna take down this new "A". In the summer finale, he accompanies the liars sans Emily to Ali's grave. Right after Emily's confrontion with Nate/Lyndon he comforts Emily but is shot by a gun Caleb put down assuming Nate was dead; Caleb was shot by Nate/Lyndon. He survives the gunshot.

[edit] Other

  • Darren Wilden (Bryce Johnson) (Season 1 - present) is a detective investigating Alison's murder. He is attracted to Hanna's mom, Ashley, who he once drove home after she had been drinking and asked for a ride, later sleeping with her to make up for not charging Hanna, who was caught shoplifting. He is distrustful of the girls, frequently questioning them beyond normal means, such as when he humiliates Emily by outing her to her friends. The detective returns in season 2 episode 12, when the girls are arrested. Officer Reynolds suggests there could be a raise in this for him, as he has his suspicions of the girls to start with. He reveals to them that he knew the murder weapon all along, and the girls had just been caught with it. He had strong feelings towards them all especially Hanna, and was determined that they would be thrown into jail. The girls are very grateful for Spencer's mom for getting them out of it and landing them with merely community service. When Ashley begins to worry that someone is still trying to get to her daughter, she goes to Darren for help, asking him if he had anything to do with Hanna's police report being released. Darren says that information could get him fired, and he didn't release the report.

[edit] Acquaintances of Emily Fields

The following characters are all family members and acquaintances of Emily Fields, one of the protagonists of the series.

[edit] Family

  • Pam Fields (Nia Peeples) (Season 1 - present) is Emily's mother. Strict and traditional, she expresses great anger and sadness when she learns that Emily is gay. Believing that Maya corrupted her daughter, she holds a grudge against her, eventually discovering marijuana in Maya's bag and having her sent away. Her relationship with Emily becomes extremely strained after this, but begins to heal when Pam stands up to Paige's father for being homophobic and accusing Emily of getting preferential treatment. For a short time, she moved to Texas to be with her husband, Wayne, eventually returning to Rosewood at the end of season two.
  • Wayne Fields (Eric Steinberg) (Season 1 - present) is Emily's father and an officer in the military. At the start of the series, he was stationed in Afghanistan, and when he returned home, Emily came out to him. He struggled to accept Emily's homosexuality at first, but took a liking to Maya after she came over for dinner. After a few weeks of being in Rosewood, he was sent to Fort Hood, Texas to help train new recruits. When Emily was hospitalized after getting an ulcer, he came to visit her, apologizing for pressuring her into getting a swimming scholarship and explaining that he won't mind if Emily gives up on swimming, as long as she is healthy. Near the end of the second season, he is called back to active duty for another tour in Afghanistan.

[edit] Friends

  • Toby Cavanaugh (Keegan Allen) (Season 1 - present) is Emily's best friend and Spencer's boyfriend.

Alison Delaurentis (deceased) Died at their sleepover.

[edit] Relationships

  • Ben Coogan (Steven Krueger) (Season 1) is Emily's ex-boyfriend, who she had begun dating prior to Alison's death. At one point, Ben began telling people that he and Emily had slept together, something Emily did not refute, believing it would happen "eventually" anyway. Feeling Emily growing distant from him after the arrival of Maya, he attempts to rape her, but is stopped by Toby. Emily officially dumps him at a party later that evening.
  • Maya St. Germain (Bianca Lawson) (Season 1 - season2) is Emily's first girlfriend. When Maya's family moves next door to Emily, the two quickly become friends, and their friendship gradually develops into romance. Though their relationship has a rocky start, Maya eventually helps Emily to come to terms with her sexuality. They are broken up by Pam, who discovers marijuana in Maya's bag and has her sent away to "True North," a camp for juvenile delinquents. After returning to Rosewood, Maya and Emily attempted to rekindle their relationship, though their new relationship is shaky. Maya fears that her parents might send her back to "True North" after finding an "old" joint of hers. Afraid of being sent back to True North, in part due to her "stalker" (a boy she dated while at True North who had begun harassing her), Maya plans to run away to San Francisco to live with some friends. She attempts to convince Emily to join her, but to no avail. When Maya goes missing and stops responding to any of Emily's calls, texts, and emails, Emily makes attempts to track her down, but is unsuccessful. At the end of the second season, it is revealed that Maya had been murdered, her body dumped in the DiLaurentis' backyard. In the third season, the Liars discover more about Maya's disappearance and subsequent murder, eventually learning that Maya was killed by her stalker, Lyndon James.
  • Paige McCullers (Lindsey Shaw) (Season 1 - present) is the captain of the swim team and the star swimmer in Emily's absence. Jealous of Emily's perceived ease of accomplishments, she makes homophobic remarks towards Emily and physically threatens her. However, she later apologizes to Emily, stating that she can understand if Emily hates her, because she hates herself. She later also apologizes for her father, who causes problems for Emily at school, as he believes Emily is getting preferential treatment for being gay. She then kisses Emily, revealing herself to be gay. The two begin an on-again, off-again relationship, which suffers due to Paige's fear of being outed. Emily breaks up with Paige after Paige becomes jealous of Samara flirting with Emily. Near the end of the second season, Emily starts hanging out with Paige once more, who has finally come out to her parents. While trying to console Emily, who is upset about Maya's disappearance, Paige tries to kiss Emily, but is bluntly rejected. Paige later apologizes and agrees to just be friends with Emily. In the third season, Paige and Emily find it hard to remain just friends. Paige confesses to Emily that Emily visited her one evening, and the two shared a drunken kiss. Emily realizes that she wants to move on from Maya's death and rekindles her romance with Paige. When the Liars later suspect Paige of being "A", Emily staunchly defends her, causing a rift between Emily and the other Liars. However, once it revealed that Paige was being framed by "A" to look guilty, the Liars reconcile with Emily and accept Paige.
  • Samara Cook (Claire Holt) (Season 1 - 2) is the president of a local private school's GSA. Upon meeting her, Emily is initially attracted to Samara because of Samara's beauty and the fact that she is out, unlike Paige, who Emily was secretly dating at the time. The two date for a short period of time, but Samara states that she does not want to be exclusive, causing Emily to doubt her feelings. After "A" blackmails Emily into giving Samara's friend her phone number, Samara thinks Emily is flirting and ends the relationship when Emily doesn't give her an honest answer.


  • Lyndon James/Nate St. Germain (Sterling Sulieman) (Season 3) Maya's stalker. Having met Maya while the two of them were at True North, he was angered after Maya broke off their relationship, and proceeded to harass and stalk her once she returned home and rekindled her relationship with Emily. After Maya's death, he approaches Emily with the intent to befriend and then kill her, assuming the false identity of "Nate", Maya's supposed cousin. After being turned down romantically by Emily, Lyndon subsequently kidnaps Paige and tricks Emily into leaving Rosewood with him, planning on killing Paige in front of Emily as "revenge" for "taking" Maya from him. When Emily attempts to escape, the two get into a physical confrontation which culminates in Emily stabbing Lyndon in self-defense, fatally wounding him. Before he dies, however, Lyndon manages to shoot Caleb Rivers.

Alison Dilaurentis


  • Kenneth DiLaurentis (Jim Abele) (Season 3 - present) is Alison's father, an intimidating middle-aged man who returns to Rosewood in the Season 3 episode "Crazy". He has never forgiven Hanna for giving "false hope" to his wife that they would find Alison alive.

  • Jessica DiLaurentis (Anne Marie DeLuise, later Andrea Parker) (Seasons 1-2) is Alison's mother, who spearheaded a charity fashion show in Alison's memory. Jessica DiLaurentis also had an affair with Peter Hastings which produced Jason.

  • Jason DiLaurentis (briefly Parker Bagley, later Drew Van Acker) (Season 1 - present) is Alison's brother and Spencer and Melissa's half-brother. He had an interesting relationship with his late sister; though they often fought, they were both conniving and willing to keep each other's secrets. Jason attended high school and was friends with Ian and Garrett, and they formed a club called "N.A.T" (initials from a Latin phrase which means "We See All"). He revealed to Spencer that Alison blamed the accident where Jenna was blinded on her, though Spencer believes Jason knows this to be a lie. After Ian's death, Jason returns to Rosewood, moving back into his old house and papering up the windows, apparently looking for something that Alison hid. He explains to Aria, who he has romantic feelings for, that he can't remember what he was doing on the night of Alison's murder and that someone sent him a note afterward with "I know what you did," written on them causing him to fear he might have killed Alison. We later find out that Spencer's father had had an affair with Jason's mother. When Spencer finds this out, she knows something's up, and she looks back on memories. When she remembers Ali telling her weird things on a night when her parents had been fighting about Jason and Melissa kissing, she figures out that Ali had subtly told her about Jason being her half-brother. When she approaches him he confirms her suspicions and they become closer and eventually he lends her $2,000.

[edit] Friends

  • Duncan Albert (Lachlan Buchanan) (Season 2) is a boy Alison met in Brookhaven when she was pretending to be Vivian Darkbloom. When the girls are in Brookhaven, Duncan mistakes Aria for Vivian when she puts on Alison's red coat. Duncan then gives Aria his number and they later meet up at Rosewood High. There Duncan tells her that he knows Vivian was actually called Alison and that Alison talked about them. He is shocked when he hears about Alison's death. They later meet up again and he takes Aria flying. Duncan tells Aria that he took Alison flying many times and he says that she felt safe in the air, because no one could get to her and she was in control. It is made clear that Duncan was in love with Alison, but Alison had Ian. He also tells her that he picked Alison up from Hilton Head the morning before she went missing, which is how the girls find out that Alison was near Rosewood that morning, hours before she met up with them.

  • CeCe Drake (Vanessa Ray) (Season 3 - present) is an ex-girlfriend of Jason DiLaurentis, who was friends with Alison as well. They spent a summer vacation together in Cape May. It seems that CeCe taught Ali her scheming ways, both act quite similarly. When CeCe returns to Rosewood in Season 3, the girls immediately notice the similarities between the way she acts and how Ali acted. Cece also learned a lot about the other girls from Alison.

[edit] Other characters

  • Jenna Marshall (Tammin Sursok) (Season 1 - present) is Toby's younger stepsister. Jenna was accidentally blinded after Alison threw a firecracker into Toby's shed, intending to play a prank on him. At the time, Jenna had been in a sexual relationship with Toby (it is later discovered that Jenna had forced Toby into the relationship, threatening to tell their parents he had forced himself on her if he did not). Although Toby is still afraid of Jenna, further attempts to rekindle their relationship a year later were unsuccessful. Jenna attended a school for the blind in Philadelphia before returning a year later when Alison's body is found. This leads to conflicts with the girls, who feel guilty about what they did to Jenna, and having let Alison pin the blame on Toby. Prior to Alison's death, she and Jenna had been rivals, after Jenna turned down Alison's offer of friendship. Jenna was engaged in a power struggle with Alison before her death, as they had a similar personalities, both being cruel, manipulative and very charismatic. Alison held a grudge against Jenna, and jealously called her "Jenna the Jerk", as many boys were attracted to her. Both Alison and Jenna would use their good looks to get men to do what they want. After Jenna's accident, Alison visited her and threatened to reveal Jenna and Toby's relationship unless Jenna left town. Despite this, Jenna seems to hold some sort of admiration towards Alison, calling Alison "the bravest person" she knew. Jenna tells Spencer that, unlike everyone else, Jenna knew "exactly what kind of person [Alison] really was," hinting that she knows things about Alison that the girls do not. Jenna was a part of a secret club with Jason DiLaurentis, Garrett Reynolds and Ian called N.A.T Jenna was involved with Garrett, who is helping her to "take down" the girls by implicating them in Alison's murder. Jenna has revealed that she may know what happened to Alison on the night that she died and the truth about N.A.T's purpose. Jenna has broken up with Garrett as of January 2012 and is now seeing Noel. During season 2 we find out that Jenna is scheduled to have a tricky eye operation that has a slim chance upon recovery of returning vision. In the second to last episode of Season two,"If these dolls could talk" it was revealed that Jenna can now see after surgery (she smashes a fly on her mirror), although she keeps her sight a secret and pretends that the surgery has failed. Later it is discovered by the Liars that she can in fact see, Emily having remembered that Jenna gave her a ride the night she was intoxicated. Hanna then sees her driving her car in town and confronts her on it. Jenna begs all the Liars to keep it a secret as she is afraid someone is after her, although later on she reveals to all of Rosewood that she can see again.

  • Barry Maple (Jim Titus) (Season 1 - present) is a police officer at the Rosewood Police Force. He questions Pam Fields when Emily is attacked and also informs her that Emily attended homecoming with Toby. He is also the one who informs Ashley about Hanna's car accident. When the girls call the police after the accident in the bell tower, Barry is the one who questions the girls and asks them if their calling the police is a joke. He later appears at the Montgomery house, when Mike is caught breaking into a house. He also informs Emily when Maya is reported missing by her parents.

  • Garrett Reynolds (Yani Gellman) (Season 1-3) is a police officer investigating the case of Alison DiLaurentis' death, who is initially assigned to trail Spencer, a suspect in Alison's death. Although he appears to be sympathetic towards the girls, in reality he is secretly dating/in an alliance with Jenna. He was a member of N.A.T along with Jason and Ian, who he went to high school with. Garrett and Jenna have broken up. Aria and Spencer see Garrett watching them after they talk to the guy who Alison owed money to prior to her murder. Garrett then gets arrested, for Alison's murder in front of Melissa. Later in season 3 Garrett is willing to tell Spencer everything he knows and tells her he will leave town right after. As he begins to tell her they get interrupted. Aria is then seen trapped in a box, next to her you see Garrett's body.

  • Anne Sullivan (Annabeth Gish) (Season 2) is a therapist who the girls are forced to see to deal with Alison's death. She is visited by A and attempts to reveal A's identity to the girls; A subsequently finds a way to keep her quiet. She returns once Mona ("A") has been caught and explains that Mona ("A") threatened the life of her son to get her to disappear. She then is the one to explain Mona's mental issues to the girls in the jail before Mona ("A") is put in a mental facility.

  • "The Black Swan" is a mysterious character introduced in the second season finale. She was shown hanging out with Lucas and Jenna at the masquerade ball. It is hinted that she might be part (or the leader) of the 'A' team. It is later revealed in an episode of Season 3 that "The Black Swan" is Melissa and she was blackmailed by 'A' into doing so, leading us to think that she is not A. It is not clear whether Melissa is 'A', and therefore lying about being blackmailed, or not A and telling the truth.




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Aria Montgomery

Namn: Lucy Hale


Ålder: 23 år


Yrke: Skådespelare, sångerska


Roll i PLL: Aria Montgomery


Pojkvän (PLL): Ezra Fitz

Emily Fields

Namn: Shay Mitchell


Ålder: 25 år


Yrke: Skådespelare, modell


Roll i PLL: Emily Fields


Flickvän (PLL): Maya St. Germain, Paige McCulles, Samara Cook

Spencer Hastings

Namn: Troian Bellisario


Ålder: 27 år


Yrke: Skådespelare


Roll i PLL: Spencer Hastings


Pojkvän (PLL): Toby Cavanough


Hanna Marin

Namn: Ashley Benson


Ålder: 23 år


Yrke: Skådespelare, modell


Roll i PLL: Hanna Marin


Pojkvän (PLL): Caleb Rivers

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